"A reflective exercise on design principles outlined by Donald A Norman and Kim Vicente and their implications for Education and Educational Design."
The intension of this blog is to reflect on the book "Emotional Design" by Doanld A. Norman and the book "The Human Factor" by Kim Vicente. Throughout the postings you will find a variety of topics including the development of a learning product that could be used for enhancing textbook access and design ideas and their implications for education and educational leadership. This particular blog will focus on the field of education and those interested in educational design.
Eventually the intension is to merge this blog with another creating a new blog called "Education Matters", http://educ-matters.blogspot.com/ where I will write about topics that pertain to education and educational leadership. This particular blog has a variety of topics within it and thus will need to be sorted into a variety of topics. It is my hope that I will continue to blog after this class and use it for other classes as well to help me sort through the information that I am reading.